Together we help the children in Tanzania to break through the poverty spiral.


€ 5 per month

With this amount you help a child with a school uniform, casual clothes and a pair of shoes.

€ 15 per month

You contribute 50% of the school costs of a child at our primary school. The parents contribute the other half. The pupil receives books, a uniform, meals and a good education.

€ 30 per month

All basic care for one of our toddlers in Kikatiti is covered with your donation: food, clothing, medical care, shelter and education.

€ 50 per month

With this amount, school fees, clothing and board and lodging for a child who goes to secondary school are paid for.

€ 75 per month

With this donation we can care for and educate one child during the entire kindergarten phase. The foundation for a better future is being laid here.


Happy Watoto is ANBI geregistreerd. Dit biedt fiscale voordelen. Uw schenking of nalatenschap is vrijgesteld van heffing van schenk- of erfbelasting en periodieke schenkingen gedurende minimaal 5 jaar zijn volledig fiscaal aftrekbaar. Wilt u ons voor een periode van minstens vijf jaar steunen, dan kunt u dus gemakkelijk van zo’n fiscaal vriendelijke regeling gebruikmaken. Met bijgaande schenkingsvolmacht is dat eenvoudig te regelen

Happy Watoto is ANBI registered. This offers tax advantages. Your gift or inheritance is exempt from gift or inheritance tax. Periodic donations for a minimum of 5 years are fully tax deductible. If you want to support us for a period of at least five years, you can easily make use of this tax-friendly arrangement, by using the accompanying power of attorney.


Do you have a great idea for a fundraising event? Or do you have experience working with children and do you want to use this experience to really help the children in Tanzania? Then working as a volunteer might be something for you.